Current Research Work in Communications: Authentic Dialogue

Current Research Work in Communications: Authentic Dialogue.

There are two parts to this project.

Authentic Communication Dialogue Online

The first focuses on authenticity online based on Trademe and the mediating and moderating effective of experiential and rational thinking. This work has been conditionally accepted in the leading ranked global journal on digital communications, the Journal of Interactive Marketing. Fingers crossed.

Authencity - Conceptual Model 2017 - Final - R1

Authentic Communication Dialogue in Political Leadership

The second project in implementation focuses on authentic political communication and leadership.  The primary goal of this research is to measures voter perceptions of the authenticity of political leadership in New Zealand and its relationship to voting behavior. The model of authenticity is multi-dimensional and is made up of 21 components or sub-constructs.

For example, one part of the model mocked up in simple terms may measure and quantify the Jacinda Effect. The first question measures the voters Interpersonal Self-Authentication. This measures the effect of the voters own true self and the influence of the voters own First Hand Experience. In other words a voters positive first-hand experience of the party leader, affirms the voters own self-authentication and voting decisions to be genuine. In this question we asked voters about whether a party leader made them feel good. The results clearly show that Jacinda Arden compared to Bill English, makes voters feel good about themselves. Is this a measure of the Jacinda effect?

Authencity - Conceptual Model 2017 - Final - R1



1 Comment

  1. Kim Winston-Owen says:

    Looks incredibly interesting & important work.


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